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It's been a long and relaxing weekend

Crepe myrtle, sage and cannas in my back yard.

This has been the strangest weekend for me.  I worked last Sunday afternoon and evening getting payroll ready to be processed a day early since this week had  a holiday in it.  So I was able to take off Friday and have a four day weekend.  I have been extremely busy at work lately and it has carried over into getting home late most evenings, so Thursday I didn't really know what to do with myself.   Yesterday was much easier, and today was fun!  Tomorrow starts Vacation Bible School so next week will be busy, too.  I am very thankful I was able to take these four days off!  

Because of the rain and thunder storms my son and I opted not to go to any fireworks shows this year.  Or any parades.  I guess when you hit the big 17 you just feel like a kid if you go to a parade.  Well, being a 40 something woman, sometimes I think it's nice to feel like a kid and go to a parade.  However, we just hung around the house after going to WalMart (to cash his paycheck) and then his favorite store, Game Stop.  Why would you want to go to Game Stop?!?  It's so BORING!  But we didn't forget why we celebrate the Fourth.  I am very grateful for all the sacrifices that were made for me and my family to live in a free country, and to worship in a manner we choose.   Of course we remembered my grandfather, my son's great grandfather, who passed away a couple of years ago.  He served in World War II and was highly decorated.  My son thinks of him as a hero (I do, too!).  I think it's really great that not only I and my siblings, but my children got to spend a great deal of time with our Papa.  He was an awesome man, and we miss him.

Elephant ears, monkey grass and hostas in backyard corner.
This is Alabama, and although it is generally very hot and very humid this time of year, it has rained All Week Long...  no joke, and the temps have been hanging around the upper seventies (we are used to high 90s this time of year).  I had planned do do yard work this weekend.  The yard really needs it and I am sure the neighbors would appreciate it.  There's been a lot of yard work going around and every one's yards look wonderful.  Then there is my yard.  Let's just say that all this rain has made my bushes try to become trees.  It's so embarrassing!  So yesterday afternoon I took advantage of a lull in the rain and laid into those bushes.  They gave it back, though.  I had leaves and limbs hanging all over me when I was done (I have loropetalums, and they stick to stuff and itch).  We are scheduled to have rain all next week, so I'll probably be out there butchering my loropetalums again very soon.  If I don't, they get out of hand very quickly.  Next I need to get after the holly...I hate that stuff.  Maybe I can just chop it down...My yard looks wonderful now, and with all the rain and the great temperatures, everything is starting to look like a beautiful garden.  Like it should.  Like my mother, I enjoy working in the yard.  Planting flowers, etc.  When I come in from working in the yard, I am often quite filthy.   I don't know how people can garden and not get really dirty.  What are they doing that I am not?  Well, enough about yard work.

My attempt at a dishcloth
Yesterday I also touched up a painting my sister found in my parent's barn.  Cleaned up the frame, and hung it over the piano.  Elizabeth, awesome idea!  It looks like it was made to hang there!  Then I found a pattern online showing how to knit washcloths.  I had made a few out of yarn and love them, they work so well.  So I was looking for a different pattern, and I found one that uses crochet thread.  You just hold two strands together and knit on the diagonal.  I am halfway finished, knitted while I watched movies, and it looks great!  I'm sure it will work well, too.  I also found a site that showed how to make face scrubbies.  Crocheted.  Really cool.  Made up a bunch of those.  I'll be sharing with my sister.

Today I decided to do a little painting.  I had a blank canvas and tons of photos, and my sister (once again the one with the good ideas) suggested that I paint one of my floral photos for my room.  This is what I came up with:  

Now I am waiting on the roast to finish cooking, will cook some rice and pop in some french bread, and dinner will be ready.    Right now it smells really good!  There is enough food that dinner will be ready for the rest of the week.  Especially since we start Vacation Bible School next week, and we get fed at the church every night. 

How has your weekend gone?  What did you do on the Fourth?  And don't worry, this was an extraordinary weekend for me! 


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