Friday, November 19, 2010

The Autumn of Life

Cooters Pond, Alabama November 19, 2010
The weather and changing colors on the trees have been reminding me lately of death and dying  (maybe it's also that I'm missing my Papa, who died in July).  What do I want the end of my life to be like?  Do I want it to be a beautiful picture of my faith in Christ, or do I want to be ugly, shriveled up and dry?  I thought how the trees and their fall foliage reflect this.  Some trees have such beautiful fall foliage, and others do not.  I want my own personal fall foliage to be bright and shining, like the tree in the center of the above picture.  I want to stand out not for myself, but for Christ!  Wouldn't it be awesome to leave behind such a beautiful picture, a life that reflects Christ?

Another thought -- when the leaves on the tree die in the Fall, the tree itself is not dying.  So it is when we die physically. If we are Christians, we are instantly born into life eternal (II Corinthians 5:8).  As the Bible puts it, to be physically dead is to be alive WITH Christ in heaven.


  1. I simply love the scenery it is the stillness which I love.

  2. Thanks, Desiray. It was very peaceful up there Thursday afternoon. Sometimes I just have to get away and enjoy nature!
