by Jennifer Marshall Bleakley
Tyndale House Publishers
Released May 2018
Wow, what an amazing story! I am always a sucker for horse stories, so when this book became available, I immediately requested a review copy. Add the fact that it is a true story, it is about a horse with a disability, a horse who was rescued, who helped others, and I was a goner. I had to read the book. The author did not fail to deliver. By the end of the book I had wiped away quite a few tears.
Joey was an ex-show horse, a competitor in show hunting and dressage. He and his rider were so good that they were close to qualifying for the Olympics. Then he suffered an injury. Joey was sold, and after a series of misfortunes he ended up on a rescue farm, malnourished and permanently blind. Kim Tschirret, owner of Hope Reins, heard about Joey and decided to purchase him sight unseen. Whether or not Joey could ever help her as a therapy horse, Kim had to give him a forever home.
Throughout Joey's time at Hope Reins, he proved his winning spirit was not lost. He was eventually able to allow kids to ride him as part of their therapy. In showing his winning spirit he proved to kids, his handlers and the surrounding community that your circumstances don't define you. Joey's winning spirit inspired many to reach beyond what they dreamed they could accomplish.
I dare you to read this book without being touched!
This book was provided to me by Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.